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Promoting and Selling Your Course

You can’t underestimate how important it is to promote, market and sell your online course.

There’s no point in making a great course if no one knows about it!

Here are 10 steps you could take to build excitement before you launch and turn your first customers into raving fans:

1) Start telling people about your course before it’s created
2) Set up a Landing Page & capture leads from people who express an interest
3) Create a free Lead Magnet which relates to your course content
4) Write content which builds interest in the solution your course provides
5) Run a Beta launch for a small group of your audience at a lower fee
6) Collect feedback and improve the course
7) Schedule a full launch campaign and build anticipation
8) Launch the course to your whole audience & promote heavily
9) Engage with students, ask for feedback & make improvements to the course
10) Repeat, improve and build on your success with a higher level course!

Give away free content to show you can help people, then build excitement & anticipation about going a step deeper with your course….


It’s so easy to consume information without taking any decisive action.

This can lead to frustration at not carrying through on things you really want to do.

So I’m going to try and help you by providing 3 really clear first steps you should take this week to get started and create your online course:

Step 1) Make A Commitment With Yourself To Do This
Step 2) Decide On Your Topic In The Next 7 Days
Step 3) Open a Teachable Account or get Zippy Courses & start creating!

Have a look in tutoring for many more alternatives


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